Getting There

I have started preparing for my trip to London since my freshman year of college.  Basically every decision I would make took London into account.  Everything got more serious this year, my junior year.  Applications were filled out and my plane ticket was purchased before my acceptance even arrived.

The packing started as soon as I got home in December.  All clothing had to be chosen while in New Hampshire.  The editing process was long, but I was confident that I had chosen the appropriate amount of clothing.   Everything was then packed in the car to go down to my house in Florida.  Upon arrival, I packed all my clothes in my two large bags to be checked.  Unfortunately, I am far over the 50 lb. limit in one of my bags which has forced me to rethink my packing once again.  I have also learned that we have to pay extra to take a second checked bag which makes staying under the weight limit even more important.

All my clothes for the next four months have been packed into two suitcases to be checked, one carry-on suitcase, and a backpack.  I would have preferred a simple tote bag to look less like a tourist, but my Nikon takes up a lot of space.  My passport is now encased in a beautiful Vera Bradley holder, thanks to my little, and my blackberry is all ready to work internationally.

Now its time to go to London...